Status CodeIs Billed?ExplanationResolution
200YesSuccessful API CallNo action required.
400NoBad Request / Inactive API Key / Expired API KeyVerify your parameters and their types. Ensure your API key is active and not expired. Check the detailed error message in the response body for more information.
401NoUnauthorized / Invalid API KeyCheck your API key and ensure it is valid.
402NoPayment Required / You Have Open InvoicesSettle any outstanding invoices to continue using the API.
403NoForbidden / Account DeactivatedVerify your permissions. Contact us if you believe this is a mistake.
404Yes*Not Found / URL Not FoundEnsure the endpoint URL is correct. This is billed except for specific endpoints listed below.
429NoRate Limit ExceededConsider upgrading your current plan or get in touch with our sales team.
500NoUnexpected ErrorRetry the action and check the detailed error message in the response body for more insights.